Auto sales in US and Canada reported positive growth, in US and Canada car makers received good response from the car uses. New cars and used cars sales increased in January, 2012. Canada reported its sales growth for January with 15% and US reported 11% which is more than last year sales. Canada auto industry sold 1.8 million units and US industry sold 14.2 million units for January month of 2012.
Mr. Kenrick Jordan, senior economist of BMO capital markets said, ‘We expected the sales for January 2012 sales in US at 14.3 million units and in Canada 1.59 million units; we are happy because the auto industry reached expectations.’ Vehicles sales has been increasing with the advantages of increasing vehicle life time and improving economical growth of people.
Mr. Maryann Keller, president of Keller and association explains some cogent reasons are increasing the consumers vehicle purchases. Vehicle affordability is increasing more now a days, auto industry getting benefits from low interest rates and low price increases of vehicles. In US and Canada new cars demand is increasing more. Car makers have the hopes this growth will continue for future days also.