Gardening is the act of growing and cultivating the organic things, that are highly hygienic to us. Gardening is done on a piece of ground, that will be considered as a garden, where multiple things can be cultivated like flower, herbs, vegetables, fruits etc. It also purifies the environment and keeps us connected with nature.
Basic Tools Needed for the Gardening
Gloves protects us from getting into the direct touch of germs present in the soil and protect our skin from cuts and other harms.
- Pruning saw is a useful tool for cutting the small branches and shrubs.
- Hand trowel is useful in weeding the new plants and for small digging purposes.
- Rake helps us to clear the ground from leaves or small stones and bring the level of soil equal.
- Shears does the work of trimming of long grasses to bring them back into the shape.
- Garden cart makes easy to carry the soil from one place to another and also to collect the waste material for dumping at a place.
- Garden hose is a pipe made of rubber for gardening purpose, used to water the plants for their better cultivation.
- Looper is a tool used for cutting the thick branches of a tree
Types of Gardening
Organic gardening is one of the special type of gardening because it does not include any pesticides and inorganic things. This can be treated as a true gardening to get healthy and hygienic food.
Roof gardening created on the roof of a building, if the piece of ground is not available. This provides the benefit of food, a decorative area and also controls the temperature.
Raised gardening is adopted where the nature of soil doesn’t appear good for gardening. In raised gardening beds planting and harvesting is easy and also stands as an extremely attractive medium to stretch the imagination.
Miniature gardening can also be treated as a fairy gardening. It is a combination of accessories, furniture, garden tools and structure to create a appealing environment at home. Miniature gardening can be done as indoor and outdoor also.
1. Indoor miniature garden
Indoor miniature garden consist such plants that are able to survive in low degree of light and indoor conditions.
- Terrarium
Terrarium, is a method to enclose a miniature plant or garden in glass container. It has the capability of standing in low light and high moisture.
- Pots and container
Indoor miniature garden involves pots and containers having drainage holes to drain the extra water from the bottom part. In addition, to keep the environment clean, we can place the plate below the pot or container to store extra draining water.
2. Outdoor miniature garden
To do the outdoor miniature gardening, we must consider the weather zones while planting in any climate.
- Landscapes
Landscapes is a collection of soil, plants and creative theme, that bring altogether to create a beautiful scene and equally bring educational environment among the children.
- Pots and containers
For outdoor miniature gardening pots and containers should have proper drainage system. Containers made of clay are normally spongy in nature and helps in leaking the extra water out.
How is Miniature Gardening More Preferable?
Miniature gardening needs very less time for weeding and watering, because plants are grouped at one place. And plants can be placed strategically and in a well-designed manner in a container anywhere at home, which adds more value and make the home more pleasing.
As it grows in containers, it creates very less problems with diseases than such plants which are grown in soil of a open ground. We can set up the plants according to our preferences and as per the season too.
Indoor miniature garden occupies very less space at home and also easy to move from a sunny to shady location depending upon our suitability, during the day.