A rain garden is a depression made and deep rooted native plants are planted along with some grasses. It is a flat cavity constructed to receive over flow of water from surfaces like side walk, roof and a driveway. Rain gardens holds the over flow water for short duration of times and enables to penetrate the water into the ground.
Steps to create a rain garden
Following are some basic steps to build your own rain garden:
choose the right location
- First rule in building a rain garden is that it should be placed about 10 feet away from your home to prevent flooding in the house.
- Choose naturally occurring low spot in your yard such that the rain water gets directed in to the garden. Prefer a location which is either fully or partially in sun.
Measure the drainage area properly
- Ensure that the area chosen for rain garden receives water regularly during a rain storm.
- In case of capturing water from roof or any other surface measuring of that area is required according to the type of soil.
Create an accurate design
- Planning pf the garden should be done properly either for a small or large garden which helps to opt for the best appearance possible for your
Choosing the right plants
- Native plants should be selected for planting in rain gardens because they get adapted to the climate easily.
- Choose plants which can grow well both in wet and dry conditions because the rain water will be present temporarily from time to time.
Garden layout
- The garden shape and boundary have to be made depending on the design created.
Digging of the garden
- Dig the garden approximately 4-4 inches deep. Using soil, build an edge around the garden if necessary.
Soil preparation
- Improve the soil by adding compost up to 2-3 inches and mix it well.
- Place the plants at appropriate places according to the design using a hand trowel. Ensure that the plants are placed 1 foot apart from each other.
Protecting the garden
- Coarse, fibrous and shredded wood chips which wont blow or float away can be used for mulching the garden.
- A 2-3 inch deep mulch have to be placed which helps to retain the moisture and keeping the weeds out.
Watering and making downspouts
- After successful planting water the garden for alternate days for about two weeks in case of absence of rain.
- Proper watering along with care and maintenance is required to maintain the quality of the rain garden.
Benefits of rain gardens
- Rain gardens help to filter runoff pollution thus improving the water quality.
- Rain gardens enhance the value and attractiveness of your home and neighborhood.
- Installing rain gardens avoids unnecessary standing of water in your yard and also reduce home flooding.
- Rain gardens help create a habitat for birds, butterflies and other beneficial insects.
- It also reduces mosquito breeding.
- Rain gardens also help in reducing garden maintenance.
Rain gardens are very simple to create and associated with various benefits; and it is better to create a rain garden at your home by considering the above information provided for making an elegant space in your yard.