E-Commerce Trend In 2010: E-Marketer

E-commerce also known as electronic commerce is combination of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Many new trends are introduced in 2010 for further and effective kind of business.

Mobile Commerce
This commerce will be widely popular and eye catching when a consultancy revises a market forecast upward in the economic downturn. This trend is followed by ABI to forecast of mobile sales of physical goods in North America. At January 2009, sales reach to $544 million this year and this is 57% more than 2008. Now-a-days mobile commerce is widely used to buy books, apparel and other items associated with online shopping on a PC whereas in earlier phase mobile commerce is limited to download ring tones and games

Social Commerce
In this current world, a new mode of commerce is noticed. Number of major retailers has stared to establish their presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and many more. From these experiments they are intented to learn and not too concerned with driving e-commerce sales. In this year many retailers are quite serious about trying to measure social media’s impact on sales.

These are the major and latest trend of e-commerce. This is the mainframe for better business in coming time.