Prescription Drug Use Rises in Children in U.S.

According to the 2010 Drug Trend Report, Prescription drugs, prescription drug use increased by 5 percent in American children in 2009, it is the highest of any other single demographic group. More than one in four insured children are now taking at least one prescription medication to treat a chronic medical condition. Usage of prescription medication has been seen in antipsychotic, asthma, diabetes drugs, there is most significant increase over the past nine years.

Since 2001, number of young children have been using type 2 diabetes medications aged 19, has increased by more than 150 percent. There is 200 percent increase with adolescent girls. In 2009, there was 5 percent increase in Asthma drug use, 42 percent from 2001, increased in childhood asthma is confirmed by this, which was seen in recent years.

Higher rates of hypertension and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) in younger people are linked to report on obesity, with them the categories of drugs increase which treat those conditions.