Mobile Subscriber Market Share in 2010 in US – comScore

According to comScore report, Samsung is the in the top position in handset manufacturer overall with 22.4 percent market share. According to leading mobile original equipment manufacturers (OEMS) and Smart phone Operating System (OS) platforms in the United States that presently people who are of 13 and older are mobile phone subscribers.

OEM Market Share: There are 234 million Americans who have age 13 and above age people are using mobile phone devices for the 3 month average period ending in May 2010. LG is the second one after Samsung with 21.5 percent share, next one is Motorola, after this RIM and Nokia.

Smart phone platform market share: Smartphone users are 49.1 million people in United states at the time of the three-months ending in the May 2010. The top leading company was RIM in smartphone platform with 41.7 percentage of share in United States. Next one was Apple with 24.4 percent share and Microsoft with 13.2 percent of the share of smartphone subscribers.

Mobile content usage: The text messaging was used by 65.2 percent of subscribers on their mobile in U.S. in the month of the May,2010. And 31.9 percent of mobile subscribers used this browsers in U.S. 30 percent of the mobile audience used downloaded applications. 20.8 percent of the mobile subscribers are accessing the social networking sites or blogs in United States.

The above information is related to the market share of the mobile subscribers from February to May in 2010 in Unites States, according to comScore.